Hello lovely readers, I seemed to have accumulated a bunch more followers on blogloving since my last post and that makes me JUST SO HAPPY!! I also am very sorry.. For not posting in over a month (smacks hand) and pretty much being the definition of slack. I don't have an excuse really, all I know is you're not the only thing I've neglected since Easter. It's as if the holidays came and then I decided I wanted to prolong their visit.
So. I've slacked off and just barely managed to finish assignments and sort all manner of the things. I have now decided to trial a lil somethin' somethin' over the next fortnight. Because thats as far ahead as I want to try planning at the moment. Anywho, you can expect daily posts Monday to Friday - but I've got the weekends off, a girl's gotta have some alone time.
I'm still writing lifestyle, beauty and baby posts - I thought the next two weeks would be the perfect time for a trial/investigation into finding my niche/figuring out what I like writing about the most. But that is all. Methinks. If you don't get sick of me over the next fortnight then why not check out my other links to youtube and instagram. I know - shameless self-promotion. Je ne regrette rien!!
Okie doke. That is really all. Peace out snitches.
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